Thursday, 25 May 2017

Five Thumbs about Geocaching

My daughter wanted to write a blog post on why she loves geocaching.  She has picked her 5 best bits:

Five pros about geocaching from Miss C’s point of view.

Before I begin I probably should explain what geocaching is. Geocaching is a great sport but can also be seen as a world wide treasure hunt. All you need to enjoy this activity is at a click of a button once you have downloaded the app, you can pay to upgrade to a premium account to see even more caches and even make your own. You can download the geocaches onto your phone so you can find them offline. There is a lot more but that sums it up for now.

So let's get started with my top picks…

  1. Become more active
If you geocache you will become more healthy and active and these things also can help you smile more and be happier.
  1. Family time
You will be able to find more excuses to have family time together.
  1. Discover amazing places
As a family we have discovered some unbelievable walks and places which, if it wasn't for geocaching, we would have never known existed.
  1. Meet new people
Through geocaching we have met lots of fellow geocaching people .
  1. Orienteering  skills
In geocaching you will learn to use a compass  and map read, these will definitely add up to some pro orienteering skills

So there you have it five thumbs about geocaching. I hope you enjoyed and please let us know if you want more blogs from Miss C. That's all from me for now. I hope to be back soon.

Thanks Miss C x

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